Whalen Photography


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HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. This is when a camera takes 3-5 photos of the same shot at different exposures, and the photos are combined in post-processing. This ensures that both the darker corners and the bright views outside of windows are captured in every shot.

What are HDR photos?

3D tours are shot with a special piece of equipment that has two fisheye lenses in opposite directions. When this equipment is set up in a room, the cameras work simultaneously to capture panoramic photos, layout, and dimensions all within about five seconds. From these, a dollhouse model, a walkthrough tour (similar to Google street view), and accurate floorplans are all made. These alternate, explorative perspectives can help a potential buyer gain a sense of understanding if a house will work for them functionally, and can save the realtor time by helping clients narrow down the houses they’re serious about. 

What is a 3D Matterport Tour?

We accept check, Venmo, and cash. After the appointment, the edited photos will be sent in an email along with an invoice. The invoice will contain both the address and the Venmo username to send payment to. Payment is generally preferred after the photoshoot in case changes needed to be made on-site that affect the total amount due.

When paying by Venmo, we ask that you add 2% to your total to counteract the fee Venmo charges to us per transaction.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Videography is a high-caliber, yet underutilized, marketing tool. Similar to professional photos, it’s an investment with statistical evidence to prove its success. 

A good guided tour video allows a potential buyer to gain a solid understanding of the home in an organized and easily comprehensible manner; a great guided tour video captivates the viewer and evokes an emotional engagement that photos alone could not accomplish.

It’s no secret that the internet plays an increasingly large part in the homebuying process, and videos are considered now to be the “king of content” due to being the most shareable format of content available. Proof of this is in social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, who have transitioned from being photo-based to largely video-based. Not only can videography help a realtor attract buyers to a listing, but it will also show those buyers the abilities of the realtor to promote a property.

Is videography worth it?

Videography is shot outdoors with a drone and indoors with a camera on a gimbal. These devices allow for maximum video stability. The footage is then edited professionally with background music for a full cinematic experience. Depending on the size of the house and/or property and the length of the video, the entire videography session could take anywhere from 2 hours to a full day, and the editing may take up to a week. Videos can be shot and edited specifically for certain social platforms, such as Instagram reels, if the realtor so desires.

What’s involved in videography?